This ranking of the best crowdlending platforms is intended to help both those who are just starting to invest and those who are looking for new P2P platforms to diversify.

Best P2P platforms

This comparison of the best crowdlending platforms is based on the one elaborated by Lars Wrobbel, German pioneer in crowdlending investments and co-author of the book Invest in P2P Lending. The ranking you will find below has been adapted to meet the needs of the Spanish public, and updated in 2023.

How this ranking of the best crowdlending platforms has been carried out

The ranking has been elaborated with a point system consisting of a maximum of 18 points, based on 17 factors.

This ranking does not include all platforms, far from it. But it is a good range of the most popular European P2P platforms and/or those in which I invest.

Best crowdlending platforms

Before explaining the individual factors, here is the ranking of the P2P platforms.

Ranking of the best P2P platforms




















Comparison of the best crowdlending platforms

Here you can see the complete table

These are the factors that have been evaluated and the rating of each of the crowdlending platforms analysed.

1. There is diversification in different countries

Evaluates whether the platform can distribute the investment in more than one country.

2. There is diversification between different types of loans

Evaluates whether the same crowdlending platform can invest in several different types of loans. For example, personal, business, real estate, short and long term…

3. More than 5 years in the market

Many of the platforms are still very young. If a platform has been in the market for a long time, it must be doing something right to still be there. Here we value seniority.

4. More than 10,000 investors

Another data that can indicate that we are talking about a solid platform is the number of investors. Here we score if it has more than 10,000 registered investors.

5. Communication

Timely and regular communication with investors offering information, data and news about the platform is a data that gives us clues about the transparency that the platform is willing to offer and what it values to investors.

6. annual reports available, up to date and public?

Whether or not you are interested in reading the reports, it is a factor that shows the transparency of the platform.

7. Regulated

We believe that this factor should be given more weight so we use more than 1 point in the evaluation. We evaluate with 2 points those platforms that are regulated and with 1 point those that are in the process of being regulated or that have some partial regulation or regulation of the loan originator.

8. Stability

We assess how the platform has performed in the past, especially during crises, with respect to outstanding and recovering payments. If there have been any problems with repayments, either because loans have defaulted, because the repurchase guarantee has not been honoured, because there are payments in recovery or because it has not been possible to withdraw money normally, no points are assigned.

9. Offer a repurchase guarantee

Many investors prefer P2P platforms with a repurchase guarantee.

10. Offers asset-backed lending (real estate or other assets)

Here we assess whether the platform offers loans that have a real asset as collateral, such as real estate or other property.

11. Self-investment option

The self-investment option is a necessity so that we do not have to spend a lot of time on our investments, which we know is a scarce commodity.

12. Does it have a secondary market or is it possible to sell the loans?

The secondary market is important for investors, in order to sell the investment quickly at a given moment, if the money needs to be recovered.

13. Web in English

Many will not invest in a platform if it is not in their own language. These are the platforms that have a website in English.

14. No commissions

Most crowdlending investment platforms do not charge commissions but there are always exceptions. We do not take into account the commissions of buying/selling in the secondary market.

15. It offers tax certificates or self-generated bank statements

The tax certificate to make the tax return is important to have clear data, these crowdlending platforms offer tax certificates and / or can be self-generated bank statements.

16. The platform has a mobile application

More and more platforms have an app for mobile phone access: greater accessibility from anywhere for investors.

17. Offers two-factor authentication

Security is important. To this end, more and more crowdlending platforms are introducing 2-factor authentication (2FA).

Ranking of the best crowdlending platforms



















Conclusion of the rating of the best crowdlending platforms

If you want to know more about each platform I invite you to visit the detailed analysis I have done on many of them on this website. To stay up to date I recommend you to subscribe to the fortnightly newsletter to receive the latest news on crowdlending.

I hope that this ranking of the best crowdlending platforms will help you to be clearer about which direction to take and which crowdlending platforms to choose.

Welcome BONUS for NEW investors

Do you want to start investing? Registering from the following links you will get a bonus:

🎁 Bondora BONUS 5€

🎁 Esketit BONUS 0,5%

🎁 Estateguru BONUS 0,5%

🎁 Income BONUS 2% cashback of first investment

🎁 Income BONUS 1%

🎁 Lande BONUS 1%

🎁 Lendermarket BONUS 1%

🎁 Peerberry BONUS 0,5%

🎁 Urbanitae BONUS 1% cashback of first investment

🎁 Twino BONUS 20€ (minimum investment 100€)

🎁 Viainvest BONUS 1%

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Best P2P Investing Platforms
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Best P2P Investing Platforms

Carmen Corral

I invest in P2P lending since 2019. This type of investment was the first that I incorporated into my portfolio, due to its simplicity. Here and on the YouTube channel canal de YouTube I talk about my investments and crowdlending news.

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